Outdoor Wedding Ceremony with Sustainable Ideas


Bec + Dave incorporated sustainable ideas into their outdoor wedding at Altskeith House this Spring. Originally, they booked me on my hourly rate before upgrading to full day coverage the week before. I’m so glad they did because their wedding was detail heavy and there was loads going on throughout the day. It was great to have the extra time and flexibility offered with the full day coverage.

Speaking of details, let’s talk about how they took a sustainable approach to a couple of key aspects of their day. First off, the bouquet. Bec decided not to use flowers in favour of making something quite extraordinary. She collected antique broaches and, the evening before, created an incredible alternative to the floral bouquet. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s something that can be passed on, deconstructed and given new life. I thought it was a genius idea. Not only that, sustainability was at the heart of her table centre pieces. Collecting glass bottles, she made stand-out arrangements using faux flowers and feathers. I could go on…but I think these two are deserving of a lengthier paragraph don’t ya think?

In other news, their choice of venue was on point. Altskeith is a lovely country house on Loch Ard. This was my second time there and I enjoyed it as much as I did first time round. It’s one of those locations that works well in all weather. For Bec + Dave’s wedding, sunscreen and light-weight clothing was the order of the day. It was an unusually hot day for May and everyone enjoyed the sprawling grounds and relaxed vibe. Because the loch is a stone’s throw from the house, we popped down at dusk to grab some nice relaxed couple shots. It had been far too sunny and hot to do anything like that earlier in the day. It was smashing to steal away for those fifteen minutes to soak in the scenery and let them have some quiet time on their own. Something most couples end up really enjoying.

If you’re a couple who are looking to plan a more sustainable wedding, check out this post which is packed full of ways you can achieve that as well as Scottish suppliers who are working hard to make it part of their business approach: Ways to Plan a Sustainable Wedding

Enough chat, here’s the photos. For more, check out the slideshow at the end of the gallery.

The full supplier list is at the end of the post.